Credit Repair Summit On-Demand
Start,Run or Operate a Profitable
Credit Repair Business in 14 Days!
Recorded sessions from the previous years Credit Repair Summit
If you own a credit repair business and want to build it up, or if you
starting a credit repair business, there are two BIG questions:
1. What do I need to know?
2. How can I overcome the barriers to finding out what I need to know?

What you need to know is key information:
- How to start a credit repair company
- How utilize credit repair business software
- How to develop a credit repair business plan
- And more….
Time and money are the barriers:
Not everyone can afford the fees for hours of
private coaching/consulting or the days away from
work plus travel expenses to attend out-of-town
credit repair business training boot camps.

Score Credit Repair Summit On-Demand
Eliminates the barriers by delivering the key information directly to you over the web:
60+ hours and counting of relevant, practical instruction on your own schedule from a faculty of credit
repair business experts…priced right.
I want to get the key information to start, run & operate a successful Credit Repair Business.
Score Credit Repair Summit On-Demand
The only comprehensive online credit repair business training education!
More than 60+ hours and counting of practical, applicable instruction delivered by industry experts.
Total Convenience
Because all Summit previous sessions are available via our secure
on-demand delivery system, you can watch anytime and wherever you
want. That means:
- No travel time or travel expensess
- No time away from family
- No time away from work or business
- No “information overwhelm” – you can go at your own speed

Total Certainty
Credit Repair Summit On-Demand is made up of highly detailed and
organized webinars. You get access for a full year so you can watch
each one as many times as you want.
Get full understanding and certainty on topics including:
- The credit repair process
- Sales & marketing
- Compliance
- Best practices
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
- Human resources
Total Value
Survey results show that 85% of Summit participants feel it gives a lot of
value for the money.
You can access Credit Repair Summit On-Demand at a very affordable
price to meet any budget. If you are just starting a credit repair business,
it’s the most cost-effective credit repair education you can get. And if
you’re already in business, it’s an even greater value because you can
use it to train employees, new hires, etc., at an affordable price.

I want anytime/anywhere access.

How good is this price?
Some other online credit repair training programs
charge a $125-295 monthly subscription.
However, Credit Repair Summit On-Demand isn’t just another
online training program. It is:
Unique-the first online education event in the credit repair industry.
Comprehensive-with 60+ hours and counting of key information to help you start or
expand your credit repair business.
And remember: You can share Credit Repair Summit On-Demand with your employees, business partners, etc. for a very affordable price.
Yes! I’d rather save money and learn at my own pace.
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We do not guarantee a specific income or results with this event. We provide coaching methods that
have proven successful for many other clients. Your results may vary.